Liv Inn Guest House i Maputo

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MozambiqueLiv Inn Guest House



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1778 Rua Engenheiro Santos Resenoe,, Dona Alice - Costa do Sol, Maputo, Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258 84 555 9000
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Latitude: -25.9059426, Longitude: 32.6339653

kommentar 5

  • en

    Danie Joubert


    Amazing service. Wonderful value for money !

  • Lee Lawani

    Lee Lawani


    Excellent, perfect for relaxation. Very affordable. Close to beach and other restaurant. Quiet and peaceful. Safe and reliable. I definitely recommend this place.

  • Msizi Nkosi

    Msizi Nkosi


    Its ok, the food was below average for me, my wife found that the nutriday yoghurt that we were provided as an after breakfast dessert had expired the week before but they still served it needless to say we did not eat it and asked for ones that had not expired. They premesis is quite beautiful with the trees and lawn in general very well kept, my wife and I enjoyed the pool alot. When it comes to the sleeping and bathing arrangement the rooms are quite small but ok for the price I guess, we were in the couples bungalow, we were both shocked by the shower literally in the toilet, in all my travels I have never seen anything like it so Im not sure if its a Mocambique thing or just the owners way of making maximum use of space but I would prefer it if it was seperate. The mosquitos were a real nuisance but then again its Mocambique there are mosquitos everywhere so im glad my wife & I had our mosquito spray and cream which helped alot. All in all i guess the most important question is, would I recommend or go there again ? Unfortunately not but thats just me.

  • Dave Dalton

    Dave Dalton


    Great rooms. Great staff and host. Food us good as well and a relaxing atmosphere

  • en

    Petunia Mahlangu


    It's an eco friendly place I would come back again here it's worth it and the owner is so professional and the staff is well trained except for the language part lol

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