Mercado do Peixe i Maputo

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MozambiqueMercado do Peixe



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Maputo, Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258
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Latitude: -25.935206, Longitude: 32.6286217

kommentar 5

  • pt

    Amelia Ah-Shu


    Ainda precisa de muito higiene e limpeza, principalmente nos lavabos , e muita mosca nos restaurantes a volta .

  • pt

    João Júnior


    Muito bom para comer peixe e mariscos. Boa cerveja. No entanto, não se deixem enganar pelos angariados, melhor comprar pessoalmente os produtos é mandarem preparar.

  • pt

    Albertina Mate


    Boa no geral Nao muito boa no que diz respeito ao serviço qus foi prestado . Quantidades muito pequenas levaram aproximadamente 2.30 horas e as bebidas tiveram que ser compradas no quiosque ao lado pois o garcon levava muito tempo ou se esquecia.

  • en

    Michelle Massaro


    Definitely a spectacle worth a walk through! You can purchase local catches fresh off the boats including many different fish to all kinds of seafood on the spot and bring it to the restaurant area next door where they will prepare it for you right there! Of course you can also just take it home. Some excellent photo ops in the market! Prepare to be followed by the restaurant people when you enter the market area and pressured and "guided" basically non stop. If you buy anything you are swarmed to go to their stall to have it prepared. There will be some arguing and you just have to pick someone and go with them if you plan to eat there. As soon as that happens everyone dissipates and lets you go on your way no problem! If you go to just eat in the restaurant area it is very expensive. Significantly cheaper if you do the market thing first and bring it to be prepared. While eating you will have a barrage of people peddling their wares come to your table. Fairly easy to dismiss/ignore if you don't want to actually do this during your meal....but their prices are quite fair if you are in the market for small local crafty things! Everyone is reasonable and polite as long as you are, despite the unfamiliarity of the situation (assuming you aren't accustomed to it!)

  • Thato Theron

    Thato Theron


    It is said that patience is a virtue. Be sure to go get a good scoop of it from whichever well your gods drink from before coming to this place. Maputo is not very tourist friendly so if you’re a visitor and don’t know the local language they will try to swindle you out of your last cent. No different here! The fish is ridiculously overpriced and you have to threaten to find a better price several times before someone levels with you. If you somehow successfully make it through round 1 unscathed, proceed to one of the restaurants to have it cooked. Another frustrating exercise. Once done, hopefully, you still have a little peace in you to enjoy the meal without stabbing your food like you’re going insane. The heart palpitations I experienced on the 2 times I went here are not worth it. Food is cooked really well. In fact, easily some of the best seafood you’ll have but the energy it takes is just draining.

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