Grand Plaza Hotel em Nampula

MoçambiqueGrand Plaza Hotel


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Nampula, Mozambique
contactos telefone: +258
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -15.1155032, Longitude: 39.2631053

comentários 5

  • en

    Bernhard van Dyk


    Enjoy our stay Airport transfer did not collect us.....

  • Yogi Trivedi

    Yogi Trivedi


    No hot water for shower. No one came to fix it. Wouldn't give a bottle of water as promised in the middle of the night. Wouldn't sell the water either. Finally, complain to resident manager and GM fell on deaf years. They smiled and said see you next time. I wouldn't waste my time there. Yes, the rooms are new, but the service is bad enough to make you settle for a hostel elsewhere in town.

  • Ventura Mufume

    Ventura Mufume


    Brand new hotel with excellent aervices: very friendly staff, tasty food in a pleasant 7th floor restaurant with a holistic view of the city, very good gym and swimming pool. Above all, very affordable prices.

  • Elder



    In my experience this Hotel is both unprofessional and has terrible customer service. I made a reservation here three weeks in advance and called every week leading up to the date of the reservation. Every time they acted as if they had never heard of my reservation but that they could get me a room. Finally on the day of the reservation I called again and they told me they were all booked and that they had never heard of my reservation before. Now they are ignoring my calls. Looks like a great hotel on the inside but the frustration of getting in isn't worth it.

  • en

    Ilona Gruenewald


    Design build, all new. Comparably well priced. Service yet in training.... picture of standard room.

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