Hotel Sena em Beira

MoçambiqueHotel Sena


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Avenida Mártires da Revolução, Beira, Beira, MZ Mozambique
contactos telefone: +258 23 311 071
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: -19.8467601, Longitude: 34.8883832

comentários 5

  • Attie Wagner

    Attie Wagner


    Very nice place, clean and professional. Food is fantastic. The only problem I have is, not all the staff understand English, so I found it hard to communicate with them. Other than that, the place is phenomenal.

  • Chris Roobottom

    Chris Roobottom


    Excellent food. Modern stylish rooms. Staff very attentive with great service. Pool is a little disappointing and the spa wasn't open during my visit.

  • Cornel van der Westhuizen

    Cornel van der Westhuizen


    Stayed here a few times for business to Beira love the food and friendly staff nice rooms only thing is the aircon that doesn't cool the room enough

  • Herculano Curecure

    Herculano Curecure


    I loved my stay at the hotel, there are very organized, good rooms. If you have free time you can enjoy the pool. The food is good, they have a good menu but sometimes the can't afford to give you some things they show you what is a little bad.

  • Jack Barnes

    Jack Barnes


    Very nice and modern hotel. For the money it is probably good value. Nice rooms with modern bathrooms. The pool is really nice. The restaurant food and wine was good but it feels like a conference center with weird day spa music and then two TVs at full volume. I would stay again.

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