Inspecção de Veiculos, Zimpeto i Maputo

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MozambiqueInspecção de Veiculos, Zimpeto



🕗 åbningstider

Maputo, Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.8698506, Longitude: 32.5666238

kommentar 5

  • Yuran Bay

    Yuran Bay


    They work like the time have stopped for them

  • Gimo Palate

    Gimo Palate


    Vehicles inspection center, no more fair work in this place.

  • Thomas MacDonald

    Thomas MacDonald


    This place has to be one of the fasting moving inspection stations I've ever been too. Maybe it was the day, but I was in and out in under 30 minutes. The staff was friendly and helpful. Once you que up, you walk into the main entrance with your registration. They will provide you with a bill which you can pay with cash or credit. After that hand the payment receipt and registration to the inspector and what for them to do a few simple checks on the car. Make sure to unlock the hood, turn your headlights and flashers on. You also must have one safety vest and two road triangles in your car to pass inspection. The inspector will hop in your car and drive it over some testing equipment and then finish up the paperwork by handing you your new window sticker.

  • Nelma Abdulahe

    Nelma Abdulahe


    Fast service! 10min from payment to results certificate on normal days.

  • José Freire

    José Freire


    No problems at all.

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