Hotel Castelo Branco i Chimoio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MozambiqueHotel Castelo Branco



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Rua Sussundenga, C.P. 295, Junto á Praça dos Heróis Moçambicanos, Chimoio, Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258 25 123 600
internet side:
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Latitude: -19.10807, Longitude: 33.469526

kommentar 5

  • Rachel Jennifer Stewart

    Rachel Jennifer Stewart


    Lovely setting, good food. Desk clerks need to be better able to speak English

  • en

    shadreck makuyana


    It's a quite place and beautiful place. The rooms are large and really romantic. A wonderful garden view at the entrance and the hotel is well located just near the town

  • en

    Brian Wise


    Stayed here for about 10 days last fall. Great accommodations. Forget if the restaurant is connected to the hotel or not, but they had wonderful food and service too. Highly Recommended

  • en

    Kelly Thompson


    The new extension is really nice. Friendly staff. Great location.

  • Louis Grobler

    Louis Grobler


    Little pricey, but best in Chimoio and surroundings. Very neat, decent rooms with standard fascilities you expect at a decent hotel. Restaurant not open for dinner, but that gets you to explore and find a local eating spot.

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