Residencial Dabhad i Chimoio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MozambiqueResidencial Dabhad



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Chimoio, Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258 25 123 263
internet side:
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Latitude: -19.1123379, Longitude: 33.4824973

kommentar 5

  • Evans Camwaza

    Evans Camwaza


    Fantastic place just enjoyed my time.

  • en

    Lila Machaieie


    It is a good and well located place, but the bedrooms need an update.

  • Lutrish Gandawa

    Lutrish Gandawa


    For a small, middle of the city based BnB, Residencial Dabhad boasts of many advantages, PR services, clean and serene environment, excellent connectivity, upmarket amenities. Must add on full day menu really, though.

  • António Bastardo

    António Bastardo


    It's a clean and safe place with prive security and the police station right at the corner. It's electricity generator, free guarded parking, hot water showers, free wi-fi, free breakfast and a few tv channels to choose from. The beds are not very comfortable, breakfast very poor, and they don't serve any other meals. However, the hotel's location can somehow compensate this, because there are restaurants very close by, like Mauá and Jumbo. Last time i was there (05/06/2017) a standard room cost 2400mt per night.

  • Drew Dennis

    Drew Dennis


    It's quiet, and secure. There is no wifi access here. You also get what you paid for. They only serve breakfast, and the rest of the meals for the day, you have to find somewhere else. Their staffs are very friendly. With all this said, do give them a visit.

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