Fortress of Maputo i Maputo

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MozambiqueFortress of Maputo



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Fortaleza de localiza-se junto ao porto de Pesca na praca 25 de Junho, Maputo, Mosambik
kontakter telefon: +258
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Latitude: -25.9749582, Longitude: 32.5703947

kommentar 5

  • Vaughan McShane

    Vaughan McShane


    Epic fort in the centre of Maputo. Totally worth a stop and a short walk around. Also worth visiting with a tour guide to get all the interesting info.

  • Drew Capone

    Drew Capone


    It's a weird mix of historical artifacts from all across Mozambique. It seems like they just took whatever they could find from the entire country and put it in one place. The pricing is also confusing. I was I asked to make a contribution, but it seems there is no suggested contribution and I'm not sure everyone has to pay or what the money actually goes to? However, still a cool place to check out while in Maputo.

  • de

    Volker Wrede


    Das Fort ist natürlich im Vergleich zu einer Burg in Europa eine Lachnummer. Sehr interessant ist allerdings im darin gelegenen Museum die Geschichte Mosambiks, in krippenähnlichen Szenen aus Holz, dargestellt. Weiß nicht wie ich das sonst beschreiben soll. Wirkt noch bisschen postkommunistisch, ist aber richtig toll gemacht. Für historisch Interessierte lohnt sich jedenfalls ein Besuch.

  • en

    Abhijit Das


    Small but compact remnant of the Portuguese. Also has a beautifully carved casket with the life story of King Ngungunhane the last king of Mozambique.

  • rufus maculuve

    rufus maculuve


    Very nice place to visit, well taken care. Gives an insight into the colonial military history. Needs guides that are always present, not waiting for a cruise ship or someone that looks like a tourist. Because there lots of interesting objects, but the objects can't tell the stories by themselves.

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