Museum of Geology i Maputo

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MozambiqueMuseum of Geology



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Avenida dos Mártires da Machava, Maputo, MZ Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258 21 313 508
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Latitude: -25.9755469, Longitude: 32.5898145

kommentar 5

  • en

    Miguel Franco


    A nice little museum in central Maputo, very close to the much more famous Museu de História Natural de Maputo (Museum if Natural History). The building is very interesting from an architectural point of view. The exhibition could be a bit more complete, but I understand there is only so much you can expect from a geology themed museum (sorry to all geologists reading this). The location is very central, and there are other nice points of interest to check nearby, so definitely can be included in a tour around the city.

  • en

    Julieta Couto


    It was really interesting and it's amazing the amount of minerals and rocks there are in Mozambique!👍

  • Matthew Fourie

    Matthew Fourie


    Really great museum showing the geology of Mozambique. Small but beautiful building and good exhibits. Has a large, nicely done scale model showing the rock types and elevations of the whole area of Mozambique. Definitely recommend a visit.

  • Michael Falvella

    Michael Falvella


    Small museum but still very interesting. Sign says open Thursday-Sunday which is a mistake. Open TUESDAY-Sunday.

  • Riccardo Borghi

    Riccardo Borghi


    Little but good collection of rocks and minerals of Mozambique. Explanation boards (only in Portuguese) help you to appreciate the visit!

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