Museu de Historia Natural i Maputo

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MozambiqueMuseu de Historia Natural



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Travessia de Zambeze, Maputo, MZ Mozambique
kontakter telefon: +258 21 485 401
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Latitude: -25.9772203, Longitude: 32.5866401

kommentar 5

  • Sergio Zimba

    Sergio Zimba


    Awesome place. But in need of additional preservation

  • Vaughan McShane

    Vaughan McShane


    A decent little Museum of Natural History. I really enjoyed the dramatic animal exhibitions and the elephant gestational cycle display. I think the museum needs a bit of a renovation though.

  • Diógenes Melembe

    Diógenes Melembe


    The business card of Maputo. Here's you will find the only place in the world where there's 21 months of the elephant gestation in clorophorme bottles among other historical aircrafts. Quite neat!

  • rufus maculuve

    rufus maculuve


    The best museum in Maputo, well curated for it's propose. Kids friendly. I think it needs an update on the soundscaping, the quality of the of the sound system doesn't give one the correct sensory feel. But still best in town for me!

  • en

    Ben Oberholzer


    Very interesting experience, much like entering the natural history museum in Pretoria, just a bit smaller, with some of the animals, it is possible to tell that the taxidermist/sculptor has only heard of them as the depiction is a bit weird. Overall very interesting, will be more informative if you could speak/read Portuguese. Entrance fee is 50MT per person which translates to about R12 South African currency. Museum is definitely a place to visit when going to Maputo.

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